Wednesday, June 5, 2024

57 Years Strong and Proud - and Counting...

Dateline: 28 Iyar (this year, June 4-5) - Yom Yerushalayim/Jerusalem Day
57th anniversary of the Reunification of Jerusalem during the '67 (Six-Day) War 

It was a relatively peaceful day back in March when my son took this picture, during our short but oh-so-sweet visit to Jerusalem, capping off a month in Israel. Until this winter, I had never spent as long as a month anywhere in Israel other than Jerusalem but since we now head north from the airport to Afula, Jerusalem has become our vacation get-away! 

Welcome to Shabbat Koach
Our three-day stay culminated in a Friday morning breakfast at the Ramada Hotel in the company of a group that was gathering there for Shabbat - a "Shabbat Koach", a weekend of chizuk (spiritual and emotional strengthening) for families who lost a loved one on October 7 or in the aftermath thereof. Words do not begin to describe...
Whereas in Afula you could (almost) forget what is going on in other parts of the country, Jerusalem does not let you hide. Not from her pain and not from her pride.

Jerusalem "City of Lions"
Today we celebrate her pride. When I Remember Jerusalem on Yom Yerushalayim, I am nine years old again, being called to the school auditorium where our principal explained the war that was raging - the sacrifices, the gains, the miracles. That is my earliest memory of connection to my Homeland and pride in my Holy City. I am grateful for every day, year and decade that has deepened the connection and pride since. 

All too soon after our Jerusalem trip, we were back at the airport. What we had seen upon our arrival four weeks earlier was still right where we left it. Faces of the hostages still being held. Faces now all too familiar; names that have become household words.

But the colorful posters, banners, flags and neon signs on buildings, at bus stops and in shop windows that I had seen in Jerusalem gave me hope and yes, chizuk. Because we really are stronger together - and together, with G-d's help, we will continue to count the years and celebrate the miracles. 

"Strong Together"
Yom Yerushalayim is famous for the Flag March (in progress as I type) that winds its way through the streets of the city to the Western Wall. Soon, the quiet plaza in the photo above will be full-to-bursting with singing and dancing into the night. Click here for a taste of what's to come. Six thousand miles away, I am flying my flag from the mailbox outside our front door...
...while our granddaughter seems delighted to hold hers as high as her little arms will let her. 
May she grow up to know a Jerusalem and Holy Land that is all peace and all pride. I can't say it better than King David who made Jerusalem our capital some 3,000 years ago: "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem...May there be peace within your wall, serenity within your palaces...Jerusalem - mountains enwrap her and G-d enwraps His nation, from now and forever." (Psalms 122:6-7, 125:2) Amen.

Happy Yom Yerushalayim!


  1. Thank you for sending this. So meaningful. Which granddaughter is waving the flag?

  2. ❤️ this post! Thanks for sharing Sharon. Wishing you and your entire mishpach a חג שמח!
