Monday, February 6, 2023

How Green Is the Valley

Dateline: Tu b'Shevat, 5783

Place: Afula, "capital city" of Emek Yizra'el (the Jezreel Valley) 

Northern District, ISRAEL

I am actually typing this from my desk in Baltimore, MD, USA but just 24-hours-fresh-off-the-plane from two wonderful weeks spent with our children and grandchildren who have been living in Afula for exactly six months now. (Happy Anniversary, Kids!) What a treat, what a joy. And though we did not manage to be in the holy Land on Tu b'Shevat, I took the following photos this past Friday from the tippy top of Afula, overlooking Emek Yizra'el. At the end of a week of blessed rainfall, there were more greens to be seen than one would find in the Crayola Ultimate Crayon Case of 152 colors. These photos are the backdrop to how we are spending our Tu b'Shevat today. I hope they will enhance your mini-holiday as well. 

No Tu b'Shevat photo essay would be complete without a blossoming sh'keydiah (almond tree), this one standing side-by-side with an olive-green (of course) olive tree...

When in Afula, I Remember Jerusalem from a short 57 miles north ("as the crow flies"). Unfortunately, we can't take the shortest route for reasons I might go into another time but we did make the 85 mile drive to spend 24 hours in the holy City. More about that another time as well. For now, while it is still Tu b'Shevat in Israel, best wishes from Yours Truly - and my sweet Tehilla - for a Tu b'Shevat Sameyach!


  1. Thanks so much for the gorgeous pictures of our precious land! Definitely appreciated.

  2. Hello Sharon and Billy.... Would have loved to see you while in Israel. However, we see you were preoccupied with your growing Israeli family. All the best and hope to see you soon....Alan and Navah

  3. Ahhhhhh! So happy to hear that you had a lovely visit with the "fruit" of YOUR tree in our holy, holy Land! The photos are gorgeous! Happy Tu B'Shevat!

  4. I love your Tu B'Shvat! I wondered what I should do about Tu B'Shvat, so thank you for providing me and all your friends with views of Emek Yizrael and the Shkediah. I'm sure you remember the song "השקדיה פורחת"

    1. I sure do. See the post that I did on that:
      P.S. who are you?!?

  5. Thank you for these wonderful Tu B'Shvat memories - of Emek Yizrael and the Shkediah that actually does blossom -"השקדיה פורהת"

  6. Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos and experience! Your words always seem to capture and express what's in my heart! How do you do that?! Love yo! 🥰

  7. We're so glad you had a chance to be in E"Y, spending time with family is the best reason of all. What nachas!! (Would have loved to see you.... maybe next time)

  8. Beautiful words to accompany your beautiful images! So glad you were here and visited the kids up north! Are they fluent in Hebrew yet? 💕❤️💗

    1. Thank G-d, the children are progressing beautifully with their Hebrew. Would love to thank you personally for your kind words. Wish blogger would provide me with identifying info for "anonymous" comments!
