Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gratefully Overwhelmed

Yes, by the many birthday wishes.
But similarly thankful for all the sights and sounds of my holy surroundings as our longer-than-usual visit to Israel continues.

I haven't taken many photos (too busy being in the moment) but here are a few, including remnants of Israel's recent snowstorm - sadly, many downed trees
and still a clump of the no-longer-white stuff, even after four full weeks of relatively mild weather.
This is a view from the bus en route to Neve Daniel where I reunited with former Baltimoreans, Marietta and Ruti. Click on her name and get a taste of our delicious lunch together. (Scroll way down to the bottom of her post if you want to see where I fit into the picture.)
On Friday, I put in some quality time with Mama Rochel. (Click here to recall how much I miss her when I'm away.)
Afterwards, enjoyed some hot chocolate with my dear Shani who has joined us from the States for a visit of her own.

I am awed anew at how apparent G-d's Hand is in everything here. The connections and "coincidences" follow me onto the buses I catch and in the people I meet and, best of all, in my efforts to understand and apply the amazing Torah I'm learning from amazing teachers. It's beyond imagination...but not beyond belief and I find myself perpetually and Gratefully Overwhelmed.

May you merit to see G-d's Hand clearly in everything you do, wherever you may be - always Remembering that it's so much more clear here in Jerusalem.

Shavua Tov! Have a wondefully overwhelming week.
P.S. This post is dedicated to the memory of Bill's father, Berel ben Chaim, whose yohrtzeit is today. May his neshama (soul) have an aliyah (rise another level in Heaven) and may he be a meilitz yosher (advocate) for his family, friends and all of Am Yisrael.

1 comment:

  1. What a pleasure it is that you are here, in this holy place! May all of your prayers be answered with a resounding "Whatever you want and need to fulfill your mission on the Earth, My dear daughter!"
